I graduated college in 2007. THIRTEEN freaking years ago. (I'm not sure how this is all scientifically possible as I couldn't possibly be older than 25...ish). College certainly feels like a lifetime ago, and yet simultaneously feels like no...
The world is still in the midst of a pandemic and many people are not ready to embark on a "new normal" outside of their homes. Not to mention, all this extra togetherness may have altered the dynamics of...
Pre-quarantine, I celebrated Galentine’s Day for the first time. Galentine’s Day is a gal pal get together to celebrate women and friendships. After almost talking myself out of hosting the festivities, I was happy I pulled through and celebrated...
Several years ago, I had an important discussion with a friend about parenting extroverted children when you are an introvert. We lamented about being homebodies, and cherishing the (extremely) small amount of time that we are alone. Being alone...
As my children get older and life gets more hectic, I find that I am making excuses for my shortcomings. Believe me when I say those shortcomings are plentiful. I think at some point, we all lose sight of...
As I watch my son play with his wooden trains that were once mine, I can’t help but smile and think about my childhood. When he pulls his wooden Radio Flyer wagon down the street I think about when...
I don’t know about you, but making mom friends has been hard for me. It feels like the sample size of women who also birthed children around the same time as me and happen to live fairly close is...
How do you step up the romance in your relationship with your main squeeze? Do you celebrate Valentine's Day and acknowledge the upcoming Hallmark holiday? Or do you turn the cheek and focus on celebrating your love for each...
I’m very much a Type A kind of person. I plan almost everything out, I make lists, and I need to feel prepared. So, when my daughter was born, we followed Moms on Call closely, and I had our...
I'm just a mom sitting in front of her husband, trying to have a conversation without 100 interruptions. It's true. There is regular beautiful chaos raising kids. We all know, on any given day or moment, there is a...



In + Around ATL