What is TTC? TTC stands for Trying To Conceive, the period when a person actively tries to get pregnant. A social media world encircles providing or obtaining support for people actively seeking to expand their families. Many acronyms or weird terms can...
Celebrate your rainbow baby in the most precious way. Getting pregnant after having a miscarriage is a special moment and it deserves an extra special announcement. To give you some numbers and put this into perspective, 1 in 4...
You are the parent who has to return to work after your time on parental leave. It can bring so many feelings with it. You may be excited or scared. Separation anxiety is natural, but how do you get...
“Sleep when the baby sleeps.” - Says, EVERYONE!  You finally got your baby sleeping independently in their crib. Yay! I am slow clapping over here for you but now, what? What if I told you that you could finally do...
Looking good while pregnant can be tough. There will be days when all you feel like wearing is a t-shirt the size of your house, some sweatpants the size of your basement, and some soft bunny slippers. But other...
Since I birthed my first offspring in early 2014, I've been suffering from a severe case of #mombrain. It hasn't always been this way, I swear. I used to have a memory like an elephant. I'd remember names and...
We’ve all heard the jokes about second child syndrome, right? Second children have fewer pictures taken of them. They get away with more because our attention is divided between them and their older sibling, and because what didn’t kill...
For my Rainbow Baby, It has taken me nearly a year since your birth to acknowledge you as my Rainbow Baby for a number of reasons. I distrusted my pregnancy. Until your 20 week Anatomy Scan, I held my breath through every...
I run only in my dreams. It's a joke I tell, but it's also my truth. On more than one occasion, I have felt what runners describe--a breeze on my face, the moment when you break through the burning in...
I was 2 months postpartum as of February 27, 2020. Just when I started to feel a little bit like myself again. Just when I settled into my routine of taking care of my toddler while also taking care...



In + Around ATL