

My name is Colleen. I have been married to my husband George for 17 years. We have a daughter age 11 and our son is 7. My hobbies include cooking, organizing and working out. I am huge Baltimore Ravens fan and put Old Bay seasoning on everything. We are a proud Autism family. My dream is to become a Special Needs Advocate. We love living near the Mall of Georgia. Our family enjoys gaming, going to the movies and hiking in the North Georgia Mountains.
Being a Caregiver is Hard

Being a Caregiver is Hard

I’m part of the Sandwich Generation. I’m a mom with young kids and a caregiver to an aging parent. Sandwiched is exactly how I feel. I feel crushed by two opposing responsibilities. It’s a...
Sandwich Generation

Sandwich Generation

I am in the sandwich generation. I have young children and an aging parent who is disabled. I am both a caregiver and parent. It’s a situation myself and many of my friends are...
Oh No, Not Aunt Becky!!!!!

Oh No, Not Aunt Becky!!!!!

I’ve been a parent now for nine years.  It’s a tough job. There’s no manual. The world seems to get crazier and more chaotic each day. When the “The Varsity Blues” scandal broke in...
Meet My Son with Autism

Meet My Son with Autism

Jax is my son. He’s a bright, active, and happy 4 -year-old. Jax was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at 2 years 10 months. He was nonverbal, nonsocial, and had many sensory issues.  Jax...
Choosing Joy in Organizing My Life

Choosing Joy in Organizing My Life

Marie Kondo is an organization guru. She’s written four best sellers on organization, has her own Netflix series and her own method (The KonMari Method). I have been slowly minimizing for years, so when...
I’m Starting My Yearly Goals in February

I’m Starting My Yearly Goals in February

January is my month to recover from the hectic holidays. I don’t start any new projects or set any new goals/resolutions either. The beginning of the year seems so daunting to have to start...
Dating My Husband: 25 years + 5 children Later

Rekindling Romance in My Marriage

January marks my 14th year of marriage!!! George and I got married at 25 and 28 in 2005. We were such kids. Our early years of marriage were fun, hard, and a great time...
Holiday Gift Ideas for Teachers

Holiday Gift Ideas for Teachers

It’s that time of year!! Class parties and teacher gifts! I love this time of year. I’ve talked to both parents and teachers to get gift ideas for myself and other parents who may...
Tips for Food Bank Donatons

Tips for Food Bank Donations

When I had my daughter, my husband and I encountered unforeseen economic hardship. I wasn’t able to go back to work so instead of being a two income household we became dependent on one...
Yes, They are my Kids

Yes, They are my Kids!

"Is he yours?" "Are you the nanny?" "How is she yours?" "Are you sure he’s the father?" "Honey, is that your mommy?" "Why did you adopt from another race?"  Biracial families and adoptive transracial get...