
My name is Colleen. I have been married to my husband George for 17 years. We have a daughter age 11 and our son is 7. My hobbies include cooking, organizing and working out. I am huge Baltimore Ravens fan and put Old Bay seasoning on everything. We are a proud Autism family. My dream is to become a Special Needs Advocate.
We love living near the Mall of Georgia. Our family enjoys gaming, going to the movies and hiking in the North Georgia Mountains.
Halloween Movies for All Ages
My family loves movies! One of our favorite things to do is have a family movie night where we get together in our living room and make pallets on the floor. I make cute...
4 Tips for an Autism-Friendly Halloween
Halloween can be overwhelming for kids on the autism spectrum. Kids with autism usually don't like crowds, loud noises, too much activity, strangers, or unexpected changes in schedule. Through the years I have been...
Embracing the Hot Mess Mom Life
All my life I dreamed of being a wife and mom. I wanted the house, 2-4 kids, a husband, a nice job, and a perfect life. I laugh now at that naive woman! Didn't...
Tips For Creating the Perfect Home Coffee Bar
I am obsessed with the coffee bar trend! I recently turned my baker's rack into one. It was easy since I already had I had most of the stuff for it.
Read on for...
Back-to-School Clothes: Where to Score the Best Deals
I love this time of year! Everything about back to school is exciting for my two kids. We especially love getting new back-to-school clothes. And with my kids both hitting growth spurts, I am...
Cheers to the Tween Years, Mommas
My daughter is turning 9 soon! She’s opinionated, sweet, sassy, independent, smart, bossy, emotional, and confident with a side of anxiety. She’s noticing the changes in her body physically and she’s not sure of...
Room Parent Do’s and Don’ts
You signed up for room parent at your child’s school. It’s an awesome job with many exciting opportunities and some not so glamorous tasks. Room Parents are an invaluable resource for the teachers.
For 4...
My Son Rides the Short Bus
My son Jax is 4 and attends an Autism Special Needs Pre-K program at a local elementary school in Gwinnett County. He started when he was three. It’s been a great experience. Jaxon went...
Please Excuse this Hot Mess
Life’s been less than ideal for me recently. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and feelings. I feel like I haven’t had time to process the sudden deaths of my parents. I feel too...
Live Your Life Now
Both my parents died in May, 25 days apart. I’m still in shock. It’s going to be a long road but it’s part of life to grieve. I’m on an emotional roller coaster.
My parents...