
Becca Dorr

Becca Dorr
Becca has lived in the Atlanta area most of her life and settled in East Cobb in 2016. After struggling with infertility and going through IVF, she is proud to be a stay-at-home mom to a five-year-old daughter. She is a crafter, reader, introvert, and infertility advocate.
What I Want to Remember Post-Pandemic

What I Want to Remember Post-Pandemic

Here in Georgia, it feels like some things are returning to "normal", while it’s still not normal at all. I don’t want to forget what this time felt like, because I think we can...
Connecting with Mom Friends During the Pandemic

Connecting with Mom Friends During the Pandemic

We all miss our friends. We need connection and support while we raise our children, and right now, a lot of us aren’t getting that. I asked a few of my mom friends how...
It Starts With You

It Starts With You

Twice this week, I have come across conversations about dads receiving praise for basic parenting. We’ve all seen it in action: a dad out at the grocery store, holding a barefoot baby with messy...
Don't Give Up on Your Non-Mom Friends

Don’t Give Up on Your Non-Mom Friends

I don’t know about you, but making mom friends has been hard for me. It feels like the sample size of women who also birthed children around the same time as me and happen...
Letting Go and Letting My Partner Parent

Letting Go and Letting My Partner Parent

I’m very much a Type A kind of person. I plan almost everything out, I make lists, and I need to feel prepared. So, when my daughter was born, we followed Moms on Call...
Something For Me

Something For Me

I'm more than three years into motherhood. When I think of myself in the last three years, it’s blurry. I have several vivid memories of my daughter, and I remember the most minute details....

Social Media Gives Me a Different Perspective on Motherhood

Social media can be really bad, or really good. Sometimes it's both. Awhile ago, I made a poor joke on social media about moms with a lot of kids. "It's your own fault!" I said,...
My Child Wears an Eye Patch, and You Don't Need to Comment on It

My Child Wears an Eye Patch, and You Don’t Need to Comment on It

My three-year-old wears an eye patch. Right now, she only wears it for one hour each day, but she used to wear it for two hours a day. She wears it for a wandering eye....
Avoiding a Toddler Meltdown in a Restaurant

Avoiding a Toddler Meltdown in a Restaurant

It doesn’t matter who you are or how superior your parenting skills are. No one is immune to a toddler who won’t stop screaming while you’re trying to enjoy family dinner out. But there...
What Motherhood Looks Like After Infertility

What Motherhood Looks Like After Infertility

Becoming a mom after fighting infertility is a big win. There’s a huge sense of relief; a feeling of finally joining the “club,” and finally being able to put all that came with infertility...