Becca Dorr

Becca has lived in the Atlanta area most of her life and settled in East Cobb in 2016. After struggling with infertility and going through IVF, she is proud to be a stay-at-home mom to a five-year-old daughter. She is a crafter, reader, introvert, and infertility advocate.
Best Pizza Places in Atlanta
Regular pizza nights are a necessity when you have kids! We love mixing it up with a variety of options, trying something new, and sticking to local places. Here's our list of Atlanta's best...
6 Ways to Organize Your Life and Home This Winter
The new year is here, the holiday decor is coming down, and your house is back to its original state…or is it really?
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed after the hustle of the holidays and...
10 Cozy Holiday Romance Reads for 2021
As a bookworm, my "to be read" list for December always includes cozy holiday romance reads. There's nothing better than basically a Hallmark movie in a book while you're enjoying hot cocoa, the ambiance...
Surviving a Holiday Road Trip With Kids
I would call myself "experienced" when it comes to road trips. My in-laws live in New Hampshire, and since 2013 we have taken a road trip almost every year. Adding a kid to the...
Finding Mom Friends as an Introvert
I am an introvert with social anxiety.
Making new friends is not an easy thing for me. I have a hard time putting myself out there, and when I do, I often act awkward or...
Aquariums to Visit Within Driving Distance of Atlanta
We love visiting aquariums, and we are lucky to have one of the best right here in Atlanta! Every aquarium has something to offer. Some are more local, and some are up to a...
August is for the Stay-at-Home Moms
Where are my fellow stay-at-home moms of school-age kids? If you’re anything like me, you’re realizing your partner is going back to the office for the first time in a long time, and your...
I’ll Wave to You in the Car Line
This school year is, obviously, like no other before.
The decision to send our daughter to preschool was difficult, and I had a lot of reservations leading up to the first day of preschool. The...
Don’t Forget About Yourself During This
You can’t pour from an empty cup. We all know this phrase far too well. And it’s no secret moms frequently have empty cups. Somehow we make it work, anyway, but I think we...
My Mom Bucket List
One of things most moms have in common is we don’t do as much for ourselves. Sometimes I think about the things I’d do if I had more time, things I miss, or things...