Becca Dorr

Becca Dorr
Becca has lived in the Atlanta area most of her life and settled in East Cobb in 2016. After struggling with infertility and going through IVF, she is proud to be a stay-at-home mom to a five-year-old daughter. She is a crafter, reader, introvert, and infertility advocate.
Surviving the Summer as a Stay-at-Home-Mom

Surviving the Summer as a Stay-at-Home-Mom

School’s out for summer! We should be excited, right? Who doesn’t love summer? Stay-at-home moms may not be quite as excited, though. All of a sudden, we are spending all day long, five days...
Speed Clean Your Kitchen in 20 Minutes

Speed Clean Your Kitchen in 20 Minutes

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where everyone gravitates to, and where we spend the bulk of our time at home. It’s also where all the big messes are made. It’s...
Why My Family of 3 is Complete -- For Now

Why My Family of 3 is Complete — For Now

April 21 - 27, 2019 is National Infertility Awareness Week. This week is used to remove the stigmas and barriers surrounding infertility and infertility treatments. “When are you having more kids?” “She needs a sibling to...
Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode

We constantly hear advice about limiting screen time for our children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) currently recommends a limit of one hour of screen time per day for kids ages 2-5 (that's...