“Sleep when the baby sleeps.” - Says, EVERYONE!  You finally got your baby sleeping independently in their crib. Yay! I am slow clapping over here for you but now, what? What if I told you that you could finally do...
Growing up I always had a gut feeling that if I ever got pregnant I would have twins. You see, twins run on both sides of my family.  In fact, my mom has a cousin that has TWO sets...
I’ve been a mother for nearly 7 years to three beautiful children.  For some that may sound like a long time, and for others you realize how quickly it can fly by.  That’s the only excuse I have for why...
Being a Leo and a mom can be tough. Our natural instincts to put family first, being overly sensitive and having great intuition may make you think we ROCK as moms. (And we want you to think that.) For...
Fourth Trimester, What’s that? From the moment you learned of your pregnancy you have been focused, if not obsessed with the idea of the “Trimester.” In your first trimester, you anxiously waited to “be in the clear” to share your...
Four years ago, Preemie Awareness Day (November 17th) was just another day. While our oldest daughter, Charleigh June, was considered early-term at 36+6 and spent time in the NICU, she wasn't truly classified as a preemie. That all changed...
As I sit down to write this and reflect on my journey through infertility and IVF, I'm overwhelmed with a mix of emotions – gratitude for where I am now, awe at the resilience my husband and I had...
Lately, I've been grappling with the idea of wanting another child. I love my 4-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter. Every day, they bring a new experience that keeps me and my husband on our toes. So, if life is...
As moms, we wear many hats in our households: From head nurse to top chef to pep talk giver to personal shopper. We are basically superwoman. One of the more daunting roles we assume is making health insurance choices...
We’ve all heard the jokes about second child syndrome, right? Second children have fewer pictures taken of them. They get away with more because our attention is divided between them and their older sibling, and because what didn’t kill...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...