Growing up I always had a gut feeling that if I ever got pregnant I would have twins. You see, twins run on both sides of my family. In fact, my mom has a cousin that has TWO sets of identical twins. When I met my husband and found out his sisters were twins, I chuckled at the irony that there were also twins in his family. When we started undergoing fertility treatments, I knew we would likely have twins, and we always had two girls names and two boys names picked out to cover our bases.
The day before we found out we were officially pregnant the second time one of his sisters (A) called both of us numerous times while we were at dinner one night. Once we got back to the truck we called her, “So I need to tell you something…I’m pregnant…with twins.”
We both looked at each other in shock. It was that moment I knew I was carrying twins too. The next day we anxiously awaited my HCG levels from the doctor’s office, and when I hadn’t heard anything by mid-afternoon I started worrying. Terrified it was a chemical pregnancy. I made my husband call. When he called me back I was speechless, my HCG was sky high and they had scheduled me for an ultrasound three days later.
As you can imagine, it was a LONG three days. The morning of my ultrasound, with butterflies in both of our stomachs, we sat nervously waiting for my RE to come into the room. Sure enough, there were two gestational sacs – we were also having twins. We started laughing and called our family after we left. His parents went from two grandkids to having seven in a six-month time frame. (His other sister, B, was pregnant with her first child at the time.)
It became a joke between us, though seemingly far fetched. When the other sister, B, got pregnant for the second time it would surely be twins. His mom had twins her second pregnancy, and both A and I had twins our second pregnancies. In fact, our twins were a month (to the day) apart. Not everybody in the family bought into our twin theory, but we both knew it was bound to happen.
We recently got the word…
B is pregnant. With twins.
All we could do was laugh. While it was mostly a joke between my husband and me, it was destined to happen. When I shared the news with my best friend she, like us, just started laughing.
It seems too crazy to be true, but it’s really happening. All I know is that my gut tells me there will be at least three sets of twins in the next generation. The million dollar question is which ones will have the twins? Only time will tell, but 2019 is bound to be an exciting year for our family.