I was 2 months postpartum as of February 27, 2020. Just when I started to feel a little bit like myself again. Just when I settled into my routine of taking care of my toddler while also taking care...
This year our family decided to try to reduce our carbon footprint. What can I say? Leonardo DiCaprio and his documentary really got to me! Among things like going vegetarian and monitoring our household electricity use, we also had...
Now that we are a month and a half into the new year, how are those resolutions going? Do not let it stress you out too much if they are not going as well as you had planned. It...
Going from having just one kid to being a mother of two is harder than it sounds. In 2019, I had to relearn motherhood from scratch. For the first time in over 15 months, since becoming a family of four,...
Many people start a new year with resolutions, goals, hopes and dreams. January is a perfect time to dig deep and uncover something new and fresh. I, personally, have never been big on resolutions – I honestly just feel...
It's 2020...a brand new decade! While I'm not particularly fond of making New Year's Resolutions myself, I do love to explore new things, whether it's a podcast, a book, or something else. A new year represents a fresh new...
New Year. New Me. Right. I don’t think so. It is okay to have a New Year's resolution but this year I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I want to focus on enjoying my son...
You know that drippy, snotty nose all of our toddlers have, literally all winter long? That rumble-y cough that sounds like our 2-year-olds have a pack-a-day cigarette habit? I am three children deep into this parenting gig, and typically...
Two years ago I wrote a post about New Year's Resolutions I wanted to make for the whole family. This year, I want to look back over the last 2 years and evaluate how things have gone, and what...
It's November, the start of the holidays and the season of giving! I want to focus on caregivers. I chose this topic since I'm writing from my husband's hospital room. To make a very long story short, he had...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...