"It's SO HOT!"  How many times do we hear this (or say it) each day? With record temperatures in Atlanta this summer, we've got to find some creative ways to cool off. Here are just a few ideas. Sweets - No...
Did you make a resolution to live healthier in 2019? Maybe you’ve signed up to run a race this year. Great job on taking that first step! Now for the tough part: Finding the time and motivation to train,...
Growing up in Florida, I loved to swim. Now that I have a daughter, I can’t wait to teach her how to swim and enjoy hot summer days cooling off in a pool. However, at one year old, my...
April is Autism Awareness Month. Here is a list of kid-friendly spaces around Atlanta with sensory-friendly days and times for kids needing less stimulation. Sensory-Friendly Activities In and Around Atlanta Museums Georgia Aquarium Sensory hours: The first hour of operation every day. Georgia Aquarium...
The city of Atlanta has been preparing for the "Big Game" for years. We are excited to have football fans from far and wide visit our great city. At the beginning of the 2018 football season, the anticipation that...
Y'all.  It's hot as blazes outside. I mean Y'ALL: it's stupid hot. And don't even get me started on the humidity (ugh...). So what's a mama to do when these little people you made are all stir crazy and...
My husband and I, since we are parenting without a village, try to give each other breaks to recharge. He took his solo trip a few weekends ago and this weekend was mine. Original plans fell through, but I...
Halloween is my family's favorite holiday. We love everything about it: making costumes, decorating, watching scary movies, the weather. And of course, for the kiddo, the best part is Trick-or-Treating. When else do you and your friends get to stay...
Going to the park has been a staple activity since my kids were babies. From stroller days to preschool playdates to hiking and biking as a family, we’ve explored much of what Cherokee County has to offer. Over the...
Or 3 Reasons Not to do the Adventure Course at Callaway Gardens My nine-year-old daughter’s favorite shows are Survivor and American Ninja Warrior, so maybe it’s my fault she’s been begging to go ziplining. She’s an adrenaline junkie by proxy....



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...