April is Autism Awareness Month. Here is a list of kid-friendly spaces around Atlanta with sensory-friendly days and times for kids needing less stimulation. Sensory-Friendly Activities In and Around Atlanta Museums Georgia Aquarium Sensory hours: The first hour of operation every day. Georgia Aquarium...
I know we don’t know each other, but if we’re going to be friends, you should know that I love to celebrate… anything! I don’t like reserving birthday cake exclusively for birthday parties, and I think that if you...
When we first moved here last year, I was eager to find a community of moms. I spent hours searching for activities to take my ever-social little one to. Finding Atlanta activities for kids under 3 proved to be...
I love seeing a diverse group of people coming together for a common passion: A grandpa who has sat in the same seat for 45 years Parents introducing their children to their alma mater for the first time College...
Ah, winter. It's my favorite season to curl up with a good book or 5, make a pot of coffee in the middle of the afternoon, and relax. By myself. Of course, sometimes the 3 kids have something to...
3, 2, 1…School is out for SUMMER!!!! The end of school year brings excitement and joy to all! There are so many things to celebrate but most importantly being promoted to a new grade. It is a great sense...
One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the fact that there are many days when I don't get out of my pajamas until after lunch. But one of my OTHER favorite things about homeschooling is the fact that we...
Halloween is my family's favorite holiday. We love everything about it: making costumes, decorating, watching scary movies, the weather. And of course, for the kiddo, the best part is Trick-or-Treating. When else do you and your friends get to stay...
Did you make a resolution to live healthier in 2019? Maybe you’ve signed up to run a race this year. Great job on taking that first step! Now for the tough part: Finding the time and motivation to train,...
There are 181 National Days in the month of October alone. That's the length of an entire school year, which makes for an average of 6 things to celebrate every day! Now, I'm your typical over-planner, under-achiever. (Why, no,...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...