Preschoolers have plenty of interests. Their attention span for a certain activity may last a few minutes to a few weeks. Children, in a play-based program, choose the activities they want to pursue based on their current interests and...
?Maybe it’s because she is my baby & always will be... ?Maybe it’s because I’m older, in my forties, and realize the fleeting preciousness of these uninhibited pure moments... ? Maybe it’s because I am a mom to many at many...
A couple weeks ago, T and I were planning on going to storytime. We didn't realize most library branches take a break from storytime in May. We were already running late. I always put my keys and cell phone...
As a mom, I sometimes sit and wonder about my kids. My thoughts vary from where will I get the energy to keep up with two toddlers, to how much would I pay for weekend daycare! LOL! Mostly, I...
With my daughters birthday and the holidays coming, I am already anticipating the "what can we get her?" from loved ones. Wood toys are some of our favorites. They are made from natural materials, are durable, and are often...
Use code ATLANTAMOM for 20% off your first Bombas sock order. Fun fact, I can stare down a whining kid from over 10 feet away. No lie. It’s not exactly a party trick but it works wonders when my kids...
Life is full of many hard things. My son recently taught me that sometimes we need to give ourselves a little pep talk to get through those hard things. I never realized my 2-year-old would be able to teach...
My twin boys are TWO. I feel a slight sense of accomplishment. Before I had the twins, I read all sorts of blogs about how HARD it's going to be, how you won't sleep for years, how your bank account...
I discovered something recently, I don’t know how to slow down. I blame it on my nursing career. My days are filled with educating patients, answering questions, and charting, all so I can get patients through their visit in...
I believe that imaginary friends are a healthy part of a child's development. I think that it demonstrates a strong creative mind and I encourage it. My older son frequently invited Bambi the deer, and Spirit the horse to move...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...