I have a 4th grade daughter named Vivian.  She is almost ten years old and I see that she’s quickly transitioning from a kid to a pre-teen.  Transitioning from “mom, I need your help” to “mom, do you even...
Those first early rumblings that school might close ... the canceling of extra-curriculars...the rescheduling of prom...   Every new announcement added a bit more panic into my already anxious heart. How would we pull this off? How would our kids now...
I grew up in a house full of noise. The television was always on, my parents liked to yell, my sister and I could be rambunctious and to top it all off I am from New York, where we...
I have watched the unfolding of something magical in my home, something I deeply believed would never happen. Sisters moving from rivals to reveling in being best of friends. I heard it would change as they get older, but...
My daughter is turning 9 soon! She’s opinionated, sweet, sassy, independent, smart, bossy, emotional, and confident with a side of anxiety. She’s noticing the changes in her body physically and she’s not sure of her place. This adds to...
Like any mom who’s been in the game for a while, I’ve gained some street cred over the years. I know my way around crying babies and explosive diapers. I’ve navigated the terrible twos and the reign of a...
Yes, you read that right.  I dyed my 13-year-old niece's hair purple. Yes, it was her idea. And yes, she ambushed me to do it. I walked into her house with my 7-year-old nephew after picking him up from camp...
Even though I have a few years before the dreaded "birds and the bees" conversations with my kids, I do think about the future when they step over the line from childhood to adolescence. Will they feel comfortable talking...
We got the reminder text for seniors to pick up honor cords for qualifying GPA's. I reminded my daughter to check if she qualified and then pick her's up. She qualified. We were excited, I mean, who doesn't want...
The other day in one of my online mom groups, there was a thread talking about kids going off to college. The conversation naturally turned to empty nest syndrome. Are you familiar with this? It's not a clinical diagnosis,...



In + Around ATL

Best Dessert Places around Atlanta

Best Dessert Places around Atlanta

Atlanta, GA, is a city renowned for its vibrant culinary scene, which spans from soul food to international cuisine, and of course, desserts. The...