Being a new mom, I felt the need to start teaching my daughter from day one. I started taking my daughter to classes as young as two months. Once she got all of her immunizations, I felt okay taking...
I watched proudly as my 3-year-old daughter pronounced the syllables in the word "banana" without any difficulty or hesitation. She used side-to-side movement to help her sound out its parts. "Ba"—step to the left; "na"—step to the right; "na"—step...
As I watch my son play with his wooden trains that were once mine, I can’t help but smile and think about my childhood. When he pulls his wooden Radio Flyer wagon down the street I think about when...
Whether or not you've stocked your pantry shelves and set up time and space for your kids to homeschool, whether or not you've outlined a routine or settled into some quality family time, there's one obstacle we're all likely...
With an unprecedented number of people working from home and schools and daycares across the country closed for weeks, many of us have found ourselves in uncharted territory. I’ve seen article after article on how to work from home...
Those first early rumblings that school might close ... the canceling of extra-curriculars...the rescheduling of prom...   Every new announcement added a bit more panic into my already anxious heart. How would we pull this off? How would our kids now...
I was 2 months postpartum as of February 27, 2020. Just when I started to feel a little bit like myself again. Just when I settled into my routine of taking care of my toddler while also taking care...
I have a kindergartner, she is 6, and she is my eldest child. She is bright and creative. But, as I do not have another child older or the same age as her, nor many friends with children the...
With the social distancing movement well underway, parents everywhere are having to keep their kids home from school. Everywhere I look, people are posting ways to work on academics with your kids from home. But no kid wants to...
I worked in an office for over 12 years. Although I dreaded my daily commute, I loved working in an office surrounded by my awesome coworkers. I thrived in an environment when my schedule was filled with meetings, literally...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...