World Breastfeeding Week was not too long ago. It is a wonderful celebration of women feeding their babies in the most natural and (arguably) the healthiest way possible. However, breastfeeding might not work for all. When I had my baby,...
With an unprecedented number of people working from home and schools and daycares across the country closed for weeks, many of us have found ourselves in uncharted territory. I’ve seen article after article on how to work from home...
We've all seen them. Precious photos of squishy little newborns, propped up on their elbows in hats or big bows. As I waited for my little guy, one of the things I looked forward to was getting newborn pictures taken...
I discovered something recently, I don’t know how to slow down. I blame it on my nursing career. My days are filled with educating patients, answering questions, and charting, all so I can get patients through their visit in...
The phrase "knowledge is power" is really a pregnant woman's code for "the more I learn about child-rearing, the more I completely freak out!" During my first pregnancy, Amazon couldn't complete its promise on two-day shipping before I was...
Recently, I listened to a new (to me) podcast called "How To! With Charles Duhigg." The host of the podcast, Pulitzer price winning journalist Charles Duhigg, spends each episode interviewing a guest to find exact answers about "how to"...
My firstborn baby was extremely fussy and colicky. She cried around the clock for the first 5 months of her life. I have faint memories of trying to race into a restaurant with her, order my food, then quickly...
Being a new mom, I felt the need to start teaching my daughter from day one. I started taking my daughter to classes as young as two months. Once she got all of her immunizations, I felt okay taking...
There’s nothing I love more than a good road trip. Give me some music, a book, a few snacks and I’m good to go. My husband and I have made our fair share of road trips over the years,...
I'll never forget the boom-boom-boom of the sonogram machine. The heartbeat was there, but I immediately knew it was slow. Too slow, for a baby toward the end of its first trimester. The look on the ultrasound tech's face said it...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...