Ever since my kiddo discovered the joys of licking the spoon, she wants to bake all the time. Seriously. All. The. Time. Because I try to implement a policy of "if there's no reason not to, why not?", I...
Average (noun): a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual. At a glance, this Cambridge dictionary definition has a clearly positive connotation. If I go to the doctor for my annual physical, and my blood...
January is my month to recover from the hectic holidays. I don’t start any new projects or set any new goals/resolutions either. The beginning of the year seems so daunting to have to start anything new. Instead, I start...
Today I want to introduce you to my precious friend, Liz.  Five years ago, I had a backstage pass to document the day Liz and Trey became husband and wife. One month ago, I drove through tears to document their last moments...
I sat there stunned at the pediatrician’s office as tears poured down my daughter’s face. The nurse looked shocked. How was I not prepared for this question? I had mentally prepared for it with my own doctor’s appointment and...
Now that it’s August, it’s back to school time. For some, it’s a period of mixed emotions. Some students are excited to enter a new grade level or school students other kids may have some anxiety to go to...
Curious about what your preschooler does ALL day at school? How do those magical teachers keep them entertained and happy for 8+ hours on the daily?  The Alpharetta location of Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool gave us a glimpse of...
My sweet little darling, Soon you start kindergarten. To say I am in utter disbelief would be an understatement. Your Daddy and I were recently reminiscing about how fast (and slow) the last 5.5 years have passed. You arrived earth-side furiously,...
As a parent, you may already know these staggering statistics: drowning is the number one cause of death for children ages 1-4 and the second-leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14 in the United States, according...
As a mom, I sometimes sit and wonder about my kids. My thoughts vary from where will I get the energy to keep up with two toddlers, to how much would I pay for weekend daycare! LOL! Mostly, I...



In + Around ATL

Birthday Party Locations in Atlanta Area

Birthday Party Locations in Atlanta Area

Planning a birthday party in the Atlanta area just got a lot easier! With a wide range of venues offering everything from thrilling adventures...