I recently read an article titled, Tips for Middle-Aged Women on How to Look Stunning in Photos and my first thought was, "you've got to be kidding me!" When I finally read through the end, while cursing in my head,...
Mom's Guide to Your Child's Skin: Understanding Common Pediatric Skin Concerns As mothers, our children's skin is a reflection of their health and happiness, demanding our care and attention. From everyday challenges like diaper rash to more intricate issues like...
When you become a parent, you dream of all the experiences and milestones you're going to encounter with your child. From the time they're in the womb you imagine and you daydream all about how great parenting is going...
George Leach, M.D., an emergency medicine physician at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, says that he and his colleagues sometimes refer to trauma as “a summer disease.” Dr. Leach says certain injuries and illnesses are more common during warmer months because people...
Sometimes what you see is not really what's there. For example, on the outside looking in, I may seem like I have it together. However, things are not always what they appear (and I know some of you can relate)....
January is my month to recover from the hectic holidays. I don’t start any new projects or set any new goals/resolutions either. The beginning of the year seems so daunting to have to start anything new. Instead, I start...
As a mom, it’s heartbreaking to imagine a child not getting enough food to eat in order to properly grow and thrive. But, hunger is a reality for 42 million Americans, including 12 million children. While you may not...
World Kindness Day is November 13. Traditionally, it is a time set aside for people to mindfully connect and offer love, support, assistance, etc. to their neighbors, friends, or even strangers. It's a beautiful concept, and the world needs...
When I became pregnant with my oldest (almost twenty-years ago, gulp) I was still a baby myself! I took a home pregnancy test but didn’t believe the results. Can you say “naïve?” When I went to my OB appointment, I...
With the passing of another year, comes new ambitions, goals, and resolutions for the new one. Inevitably, at the top of everyone's list, are health and diet-based changes. Plump from holiday partying and feasting, cutting back on fat and...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...