At least once or twice a year, I pack up a bag, use our hotel points, and drive thirty minutes into the city for the weekend- ALL ALONE. I even leave my husband and best friends behind. I check-in...
Looking for a family friendly place to celebrate the Fourth of July?  Look no further than these Atlanta Area Celebrations!! Auburn:  Fireworks only at dusk.  Located at 1369 Fourth Ave., Auburn www.cityofauburn-ga.org. Braselton:  4 p.m. - 9 p.m., parade at 6 p.m. ...
Swimming! A fun staple of hot summer days for kiddos and parents living in the south—especially this year, as most of us spent the last several months cooped up inside with limited excursions. Since swimming is one of the...
This past weekend the weather was awesome and the kids were getting cabin fever. I've been itching to get to the planetarium. I'd been promising myself that I would since I moved here. So, we packed up our kids and...
When we first moved here last year, I was eager to find a community of moms. I spent hours searching for activities to take my ever-social little one to. Finding Atlanta activities for kids under 3 proved to be...
Y'all.  It's hot as blazes outside. I mean Y'ALL: it's stupid hot. And don't even get me started on the humidity (ugh...). So what's a mama to do when these little people you made are all stir crazy and...
Imagine transporting your child back in time to the classic Christmas of your childhood.  Remember your own excitement for Santa's magic from when you were a child. Picture capturing those two moments into one and that's what you have...
In previous posts, I've mentioned just how much I needed to get out and explore Atlanta. For two years I've driven past the Radial Cafe with a lot of interest. I even took the liberty of googling it one day...
During the fall, my husband and I huddle under the covers to watch the Starz series Outlander while sipping a glass of whiskey. The kids are blissfully asleep, and we can enjoy an uninterrupted hour of all things Scotland....
Or 3 Reasons Not to do the Adventure Course at Callaway Gardens My nine-year-old daughter’s favorite shows are Survivor and American Ninja Warrior, so maybe it’s my fault she’s been begging to go ziplining. She’s an adrenaline junkie by proxy....



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...