 In our increasingly screen-filled world, we are always searching for ways to spend actual face-to-face time with our people. Nothing builds relationships like sitting in the same room with a person, having an actual conversation. Sometimes it’s nice to...
June is here and that means... summer might come to an end quicker than you realize. Have you accomplished everything on your summer bucket list? Or maybe you've thought,"it's only June?!" You've totally run out of ideas to keep...
Summer is wrapping up, but we can still squeeze a little fun out of it. There are many kid-friendly things to do in August. Best of all, they are 100% free. Here's a list to get you started; be...
Summertime in Atlanta means afternoon heat, unexpected thunderstorms, and tantrums from my toddler when he hears he can't go outside right now. Fortunately, we're prepared--and so are you! Here are 5 activities for toddlers that are easy, require very...
Part of my "resolution" this year was to try some new, creative things. In my career and generally in life, I'm data and information centered, so I don't feel as though I exercise my creative side often enough. I'm...
In previous posts, I've mentioned just how much I needed to get out and explore Atlanta. For two years I've driven past the Radial Cafe with a lot of interest. I even took the liberty of googling it one day...
Growing up in Florida, I loved to swim. Now that I have a daughter, I can’t wait to teach her how to swim and enjoy hot summer days cooling off in a pool. However, at one year old, my...
My 17-year-old daughter and I have been members of the National Charity League since she was in seventh grade. The group offers a variety of opportunities for mothers and daughters to work together in the community. Volunteering with my...
Y'all.  It's hot as blazes outside. I mean Y'ALL: it's stupid hot. And don't even get me started on the humidity (ugh...). So what's a mama to do when these little people you made are all stir crazy and...
Swimming! A fun staple of hot summer days for kiddos and parents living in the south—especially this year, as most of us spent the last several months cooped up inside with limited excursions. Since swimming is one of the...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...