Every year when summer rolls around, our house seems to get excited about the time "off" and getting to sleep a little longer. Then day two of summer is here and before we know it, the kids are climbing...
“Five more minutes and that’s it!”  Does this sound familiar? Are repeated warnings and meltdowns part of the process, too? Why?  Why is the battle of the screens such a struggle? Studies show us that today’s kids are more plugged...
With summer vacation quickly approaching, moms are busy researching camps, splash pads, pool noodle crafts, and a myriad of other activities to keep our kiddos occupied. Books seem like a great idea, but getting our kids to read more...
Awesome orange, yahoo yellow, good day green, watch out white, and then there’s boo-hoo blue. Welcome to the behavior chart in my son’s kindergarten class. Some of us are all too familiar with charts indicating the type of day...
Summer is a time of fun. The weather is nice and warm, it’s beautiful outside, and kids have fewer obligations to manage during the day. It’s no wonder that everyone tends to indulge a bit more during this time...
As a mom, I eagerly anticipate my hair appointment every eight weeks. It's like a mini-escape from the chaos of motherhood and life. Sitting and doing absolutely nothing for 30-40 minutes is pure bliss. Not to mention when I...
We have all read the books, manuals, and websites on what to do when your child get’s a fever, is teething, or having a meltdown in the middle of the store. Where is that manual when you really need it?...
Meal trains are all the rage lately. I understand why. New babies, deaths, and sickness all have an enormous impact on families. It's nice for the community to be able to rally behind them. Admittedly, there was no train...
All moms know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, mornings can also be rough with getting kids out of bed, dressed, fed a healthy breakfast, and arriving at school on time.  Without organization mornings...
If cleanliness is next to godliness, then I am a sinner through and through. I’ve always been in awe of people like my college roommate who can't fall asleep if there are dishes in the sink or clothes on...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...