I am a minimalist at heart. I am not sentimental at all- I throw away birthday cards and old high school mementos with gusto. Clear, uncluttered space makes me happy. But I am not the only one who lives in...
Moms, when was the last time you had a situation that caused you to lose your cool? Typically, any mom can clearly remember the last time. For some, it probably happened three minutes ago. Don't worry mama, you've got...
Thank you to our amazing partner and friend Amanda Duke Photography for giving our moms this day. Our moms walked away with a day they would never forget. Here is a glimpse at their experience. Their day. Their emotions....
With the weather warming up, it can only mean one thing: Spring Cleaning is right around the corner. Whether your first child is on the way or you’re an experienced mom, space is constantly at a premium. Finding enough room...
Winter in Georgia can be...unpredictable. Snow and ice one weekend, sunny and warm the next. But one thing has been true for us most winters with kids- it’s a bit of a slower season. The craziness of fall is...
Ok, it is rapidly approaching, like it or not. After the calendar rolls over, it rears its head. Tax season. Gah. The dreaded Saturday(s) of sorting, searching, sifting, and stapling. If you are lucky, your tax prep god or...
A great activity for mom (or dad!) to bond with your sweet, precious, willful, opinionated toddler. Based on a real afternoon with my almost-2-year-old son. Warning: your mileage may vary.  Feed your toddler a nice afternoon snack.  Decide you want your...
Have you heard that saying “I opened my mouth and my mother came out”? Well, one day when my older kids (now 18 and 15) were little, I opened my mouth and my grandmother came out. My grandmother on my...
Myth vs. Fact Before I share my obsession love for all things Costco, I think it is important to dispell the biggest rumor I hear.   Myth: They only sell in bulk and I don't live with 10+ people, so I...
Atlanta traffic: it was all fun and games until went I back to work full-time. Then, I had to join the great daily commute down I-75 along with everyone else in their Nissans (is it just me, or is...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...