You’re never too old to exercise. Being physically active is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Even the act of participating in physical activity, beyond the myriad health benefits we reap from it, is one...
A pair of trends are emerging in the field of breast enhancement. Plastic surgeons have noticed many of their breast augmentation patients have somewhat modest goals when it comes to increasing the size of their breasts. This shift away from...
Before I had kids, I would watch What Not to Wear and swear that I would never leave my house looking like I didn't care about what I looked like or my beauty routine. Then, life happened. Mornings became...
On the way to my appointment, I had the radio on the 90s station. (I almost always have the radio on the 90s station because I’m apparently old now and the 90s qualify as nostalgic oldies music. When did...
All moms know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, mornings can also be rough with getting kids out of bed, dressed, fed a healthy breakfast, and arriving at school on time.  Without organization mornings...
Mornings. You either love them or you loathe them. I am the latter. Let me paint a very real picture for you. I am one of those that hits snooze at least 3 times (my husband loves this about...
Spring is the season of warm, breezy days, leisurely picnics…and chronic sniffles. Unfortunately, prolonged hours outside in the springtime may be accompanied by itchy, watery eyes, stuffiness and a scratchy throat. But don’t resign yourself to the couch just yet....
When I became pregnant with my oldest (almost twenty-years ago, gulp) I was still a baby myself! I took a home pregnancy test but didn’t believe the results. Can you say “naïve?” When I went to my OB appointment, I...
Moms, when was the last time you had a situation that caused you to lose your cool? Typically, any mom can clearly remember the last time. For some, it probably happened three minutes ago. Don't worry mama, you've got...
Thank you to our amazing partner and friend Amanda Duke Photography for giving our moms this day. Our moms walked away with a day they would never forget. Here is a glimpse at their experience. Their day. Their emotions....



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...