Though much of the South is riding the coaster of the fourth COVID-19 wave, here are 9 ways to show kindness and hospitality during the ongoing pandemic. Can we all agree that the world could use a little more kindness...
One of the good things about living in the south is the warm weather. Growing up in the Chicago area, it seemed like the summer was cut way too short with cool late spring temperatures and cool early fall...
I'm so excited! It's the first day of fall! I don't know about you, but this is my favorite season. I come alive during fall. Everything looks beautiful during fall. The leaves, the changing colors of nature, the cooler...
Although the daytime temp is still 80+ degrees with 98% humidity, the leaves have started to change color and pumpkin spice has emerged once again. Fall is sure to be here soon! If you and your kids would like...
When we think about grandparents, we typically think of what we see in Hallmark commercials - loving and encouraging parents who become amazing grandparents with gray hair, big hearts, and the ones who try to override mom's rules of...
My only child is started kindergarten this year and it had me thinking a lot about how quickly she's growing up. Every day, she amazes me with her personality, sense of humor, creativity, and increasing intelligence. She asks questions...
We love visiting aquariums, and we are lucky to have one of the best right here in Atlanta! Every aquarium has something to offer. Some are more local, and some are up to a four-hour drive away, but we...
Summer is coming to a close and school is officially back in session. This means my personal favorite season in Georgia is right around the corner, fall. Fall is such a beautiful time of year and especially wonderful when...
Where are my fellow stay-at-home moms of school-age kids? If you’re anything like me, you’re realizing your partner is going back to the office for the first time in a long time, and your kid is going to school....
When I was a kid, my favorite “happy mail” happened two times a year. One was when the Toys ‘R Us Wish Book would arrive in November and the other was when the Wal-Mart and K-Mart Back-to-School sales flyers.  Now,...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...