10 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Fall

Ten Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Fall
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

10 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Fall

I’m so excited for the first day of fall! I don’t know about you, but this is my favorite season. I come alive during fall. Everything looks beautiful during fall. The leaves, the changing colors of nature, the cooler temperature…it’s simply the best season. I have made a tradition of celebrating the season by kicking off the day with a seasonal drink and some fall-themed crafts but there are so many ways to celebrate!


Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Make (or buy) a seasonal drink.
Oh, you better believe I’m going to get a pumpkin spice latte. I’m about to let my inner basic girl out. If you don’t like pumpkin, you can always try an apple-flavored drink like apple cider, which is great for the whole family. For grown-ups, try an apple and gin cocktail. Or just go with the ever-faithful hot chocolate.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Make a thankful or gratitude list
It’s always a good thing to practice gratitude. You can make a list in a journal or just take a few minutes to think about what you are grateful for. Many people make gratitude journals or list one thing that they are grateful for every day.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Make a Fall Bucket List
This is one of my favorite traditions. I make a bucket list for every season, but making one for fall is always the best. It’s always so much fun to cross off the things on the list. Some of the things that I usually list are: watch a scary movie, go somewhere new, and pick and carve a pumpkin.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Visit your local farmer’s market
Head to your local farmer’s market for some treats and/or handmade products. You can even make it a day trip and head to a farmer’s market that is maybe a few hours away. You can even go to a pumpkin patch or an apple orchard.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Make a fall-related arts & craft project
I love to get sketchbooks for my kids to paint, draw, and journal in them. Sometimes we’ll draw leaves, apples, etc. We love to make banners, lanterns, and other small decors for our home.

We also love using craft kits. There are many different craft kits that you can buy available at craft stores like  Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Joann. You can also find some kits at Target and Walmart. If you like shopping online, Amazon is a great place to check out. Be sure to check out this list of quick crafts for other great ideas.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Go for a walk
Go for a walk during the morning or the evening. The weather should be a bit cooler, and it’s such a great time to go for a walk. Bring along a warm beverage and some good music.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Decorate your home 
Fall decor is such a great way to celebrate fall. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money either. Go to the Target Dollar Spot, and you’ll find so much cute decor. Some other great places to find fall decor is Michaels, Marshalls, and TJ Maxx.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Read a book that takes place during the season
Reading is another great way to celebrate. There are so many fall-themed books. Many libraries even have displays of fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving books. Some of my favorites are:

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Make a fall playlist
If you love making playlists, make a fall-themed one. Add songs like the ones below:

There are many fall playlists online that you can check out as well. This playlist by Mashable is a pretty good one. POPSUGAR’s playlist is also a great one.

Free Fall Leaves Clip Art, Download Free Fall Leaves Clip Art png ...Watch a movie that takes place during the fall
There are so many great movies that take place during the fall. Some of our favorite family-friendly movies are Coco, Coraline, Harry Potter (all of them), Casper, Monster House, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Adams Family, and of course, Hocus Pocus.

If you want to make it a date night, want to watch a movie by yourself, or are excited for fall and Halloween, check out Practical Magic, Sweet November, Hubie Halloween, The Lake House, and Good Will Hunting. You know I can’t forget to add some horror movies to the mix. Check out A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Halloween franchise, It, In the Tall Grass, Candyman, and Child’s Play.

Do you celebrate the first day of fall? What are some of your fall traditions?

IF you want to find out about fall festivals, date ideas, crafts, and recipes in and around Atlanta by checking out All Things Fall.