I've compiled 21 truths about parenting I find hilarious. I've said them or felt them at one time or another. It's fascinating how I have my own thoughts and experiences not even knowing they are universal until I read...
The school year is in full swing, and while your big kids are off at school, you may be looking for something fun to do with your little ones still at home. Some days time can tick backward with toddlers...
I came to know about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) through my younger cousin. He is a private person, so in this post, I'll refer to him by his first initial, E. To my knowledge, he does not have an...
"Tis the holiday season!  I love this time of year, even though my kids are basically grown.  At ages 18 and 16, the jig is up, the word is out, and the element of surprise is no longer a...
In my pre-mom brain, I always said that I wanted each of my future children to be born within their own respective month, as a result, they get a MONTH long celebration.  I mean, who doesn't want to feel special...
Bloom :: An Event for New and Expecting Moms #AtlMBBloom17 Who :: Atlanta area mothers (you do not have to be expecting to attend!) What :: An afternoon of socialization, delicious food, educational resources, giveaways and swag, pampering, and connecting  with local resources and...
The phrase "knowledge is power" is really a pregnant woman's code for "the more I learn about child-rearing, the more I completely freak out!" During my first pregnancy, Amazon couldn't complete its promise on two-day shipping before I was...
Have you ever thought about what you wish you knew before becoming a single mom? All the challenges you would endure? I know I didn't. All I knew was the current situation I was in, wasn't the life I...
"Miss Independent Miss Self-Sufficient Miss Keep-Your-Distance..." – Kelly Clarkson When I found out I was having a girl, I resolved to raise her to be strong, independent, and resilient. I definitely didn’t want my daughter to be easily intimidated or afraid to do...
With an unprecedented number of people working from home and schools and daycares across the country closed for weeks, many of us have found ourselves in uncharted territory. I’ve seen article after article on how to work from home...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...