Lately my mind has been consumed with the happenings of COVID-19 in our country. We have been on quarantine, we haven’t been able to truly enjoy these last few months without stress of putting on a mask, not able to see friends or family due to the fear of getting sick. Fast forward to May 31, after the recent death of George Floyd, there have been protests and riots across the country. Being a biracial woman who grew up in Roswell; I have been feeling a deep pain. I have been glued to social media, the news, and haven’t been able to decompress.
I am not going to speak on the racism that has been a part of America for centuries or the police brutality. I am writing in this moment, on this Sunday to say it is time to unplug and take a mental break. I have always been the type to feel the pain of the world and become engulfed in it. One thing I know is you can’t save the world if you aren’t taking care of yourself. For me, it’s a hard pill to swallow because I have always put others before myself, it has brought me joy doing so but also has drained me to the core.
I want us all to take a mental break and love on ourselves a little harder. Light a candle, run a bath, play your favorite song. Indulge in your favorite food, watch a funny movie or read your favorite book. Writing has always allowed me to channel my feelings and release them from holding my heart and mind hostage. There is a lot going on in our world and I know others like myself that can’t find the time, or may feel selfish for taking some ‘me’ time. But what I am telling you, is you must make the time before you combust into pieces. Mental health is just as important as physical health because your mind controls the body.
Make it a priority to rest not only the body but the spirit and mind. Journal and release any of the fear or pain you may be experiencing. Be gentle with yourself in these hard and confusing times. Love on your friends and families while allowing them to have mental breaks as well. We cannot be a light in the world if we don’t take care of the light within us. Don’t allow yourself to burn out. The world needs so much of our light right now, so we must preserve it; so we can shine brighter than before.