Bye Bye Tired Eyes. Hello Botox.

So I got Botox. At first, I felt embarrassed because I was worried about judgment. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard the phrase, “But you don’t need Botox. You’re naturally pretty.” I know it’s meant as a compliment and I’m thankful for it. However, it makes me feel judged because of my decision to be injected. Initially, I didn’t want anyone to know about it. But once I started talking about it, I realized how many others had questions too! 

Let me first say, I’m 33 and I do look young. I always have…when I was 16, I hated looking 12 but now that I’m 33 and people mistake me for a teenager or someone in my 20s, I take it in stride. I want to continue to look young if I can help it! I use good facial products and splurge on better make up these days because I want to maintain that youthful glow. So why the Botox if wrinkles weren’t the issue?

Unfortunately, drooping eyelids are a thing in my family and I had noticed one of my eyebrows had started its journey south. I was nervous because I didn’t want to look fake and plastic. I simply wanted to look more rested… after all, #Motherhood.  I took the plunge and made an appointment. I am THRILLED with the results!                       

In both the before and after pictures, I’m not wearing any makeup. I really feel like I look younger and my skin even looks healthier (I’m sure it’s not, it just appears that way). My favorite thing is how much brighter my eye area looks! 

So let me answer a few questions that I’ve gotten recently from curious minds:

1. Does it hurt? Nope! And I’m a wuss! They used this magic golden spoon to numb the area before the injection. Honestly, the sensation felt like popping a whitehead (gross, but accurate.)

2. How much did you have done? I had 34 units but I had some put into my chin too. I probably wouldn’t get it done in my chin again. It was just put there to soften my sarcastic face but honestly, I kinda like the dimples in my chin whenever I make that face so I’ll just keep them.

3. How much is it? It really depends on where you go. The place I went was $12/unit. But they have specials all the time! 

4. How often do you have to get it done? It really depends on each person, but typically every 4 months.

5. Can you see it instantly? No. They say it takes about a week to see the full effect. I started noticing around day 3 and then by day 7 it was noticeable by others too.

I personally really enjoyed my first Botox experience. I decided to talk about it publicly via my Instastory and had SO many questions from people. I learned others are curious and have the same hesitations that I had. It’s always encouraging to see someone you know personally experience something you’ve thought about doing too. So I decided to share my story! All of my embarrassment melted away and I became proud of my Botox journey. Don’t be scared to take the plunge! Get those rested eyes…even if you did only get 3 hours of sleep last night!