Spring has sprung! The clocks have sped up an hour and there is more daylight in the day. Adjusting to the time change can certainly disrupt your household dynamic. However, there are things you can do to adjust to the change.
Here are some health tips to help spring you forward to continue being your best.
Choose your drinks wisely
As the temperatures get warmer, it’s a great time for patio dining. Having a cool drink and/or cocktail with family and friends seems to go hand in hand with warm spring evenings. When selecting something to drink, try to choose a drink without added sugar. Sugar is linked to multiple health conditions so reducing or avoiding it can be beneficial to your health.
Water is a popular choice to stay hydrated. If you’re not a fan of water, add a little flavor from lemon, lime, or even cucumber slices. If you miss the fizz, go for sparkling water. Keeping a reusable water bottle nearby can help serve as a visual cue to stay hydrated.
Enjoy the light
You could take advantage of the extra daylight hours by spending more time outdoors. Even though there is less time by losing an hour, you have more sunshine (fingers crossed the rain stays away). With more daylight, you have options to take a walk in the morning, afternoon, or early evening. The extra Hopefully, your schedule will allow you to get some fresh air. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, the sunlight helps regulate your internal clock while boosting your mood and energy. Just remember to put on your sunscreen.
Step away from the screen
While sunlight has added benefits, you should aim to reduce the amount of light you receive light from certain products. When possible, reduce the light emitted from electronics (i.e. phones, TVs tablets, etc.), especially an hour before bedtime. It’s easy to get stuck in a TikTok time warp, but sometimes you need to just put your phone down. Instead, replace your phone with a book and read ten pages from a book, meditate, or listen to soft music as a way to unwind from your day.
Get your rest
Speaking of bedtime, it’s important to get a proper’s night rest. Yes, it’s ideal to get at least seven hours of sleep at night. That’s often a challenge as a busy mom because of late nights and early mornings. While getting an adequate amount of sleep can be an ongoing process, I have found that sticking to a consistent bedtime helps. The more I stick to a consistent timeframe, the easier it has been to adjust to the time change and develop a habit that sticks.
Springing forward may involve losing an hour, but look what you gain – a new season, longer days, and hopefully warmer weather!
Looking for other tips on getting healthy this spring? Check out these posts from Atlanta Mom.