Winter in Georgia can be...unpredictable. Snow and ice one weekend, sunny and warm the next. But one thing has been true for us most winters with kids- it’s a bit of a slower season. The craziness of fall is...
Awesome orange, yahoo yellow, good day green, watch out white, and then there’s boo-hoo blue. Welcome to the behavior chart in my son’s kindergarten class. Some of us are all too familiar with charts indicating the type of day...
In a recently conducted, extremely reliable, incredibly scientific poll done by--um--me on my social media, researchers (also me) have discovered what moms truly want for Christmas. The question posed to moms was simple: "If Santa could bring you anything, real...
I love to sleep. Always have, always will. When I was in grad school, my roommates were incredulous that I could routinely "sleep in" until 1 or 2 pm. Naps? Oh yes. Dozing off on the couch watching a...
My daughter turns one year old this month. When she was born, people told me to enjoy her as she was, because babyhood is exhausting but fleeting. Being a parent of an infant has felt exhausting at times, and...
Apparently, this month has both national friendship day AND national girlfriend's day in it. So in light of celebrating good friends, I'm recommending five books that you should read with a friend. The start of one of my closest friendships...
Moms have a lot going for them, and we like sharing about those non-baby-related things if people would thoughtfully ask us. Here are 30 questions to ask moms besides "When are you having another baby?" Last week while picking my...
My youngest started Kindergarten this last year and honestly, the transition was harder for me than it was for him.  He was prepared for the structure of the school day, well-socialized, and felt ready to conquer the world…or at...
"JUST LOVE" These were the final words my dear Mom spoke to me before she died one year ago of metastatic breast cancer. Two words, so simple, yet so profound on every level; two words that have carried me &...
I was sitting on the couch Googling "Blog Topics." Then the narrator on the TV in the background said, "Think back to your childhood-- are you living the life you pictured for yourself?" Immediately I knew this is what...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...