What is Baby-Led Weaning? Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is introducing finger-foods and hand-held foods to babies when they start solids instead of spoon-fed purees. Traditionally, American parents are taught to use pureed foods starting around 6 months. In BLW, parents...
During the coronavirus crisis, there has understandably been so much focus on loss. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have lost their lives. We've endured financial loss, emotional loss, educational loss. And, we have all lost the security of...
  Information doesn't provide the peace of mind I always hope it does. With all the information that comes out on a minute by minute basis full of disturbing news on COVID-19, corrupt politicians, unstable schools plans, governors changing...
The Call…. On a spring day in Arkansas while sitting in a corporate workshop my wife called me for the third time in 30 seconds. If you have ever gotten a phone call from the same person in rapid succession,...
"The kids were so bad today. You won't believe what they did." "Don't tell her I told you this but..." "He was acting like such a ____________ today!" "Did I tell you what she did the other day? Oh man, it was...
Since I birthed my first offspring in early 2014, I've been suffering from a severe case of #mombrain. It hasn't always been this way, I swear. I used to have a memory like an elephant. I'd remember names and...
Here in Georgia, it feels like some things are returning to "normal", while it’s still not normal at all. I don’t want to forget what this time felt like, because I think we can all learn a lot from...
We've now been quarantined in our house for a solid 2 months due to COVID-19. Save but for a few trips to Publix and Trader Joe's, we haven't left the house. Well, let me rephrase that...my kids haven't left...
My disposition has much to do with how I view myself, other people, and problems. Parenting forcibly taught me to put on different lenses for viewing the problems and the precious people in my home. One set of lenses...
I have been struggling, not only with the words to express my thoughts and feelings about the pain and turmoil in our country right now but also with how I can contribute to making things better. As I’ve spent...



In + Around ATL

Birthday Party Locations in Atlanta Area

Birthday Party Locations in Atlanta Area

Planning a birthday party in the Atlanta area just got a lot easier! With a wide range of venues offering everything from thrilling adventures...