Spring is here!!! The pollen is coating our cars. Flowers are in full bloom. The weather is the perfect blend of warmth and cool. But my favorite part of the season is Spring Cleaning and Organization. I love the...
With the start of another New Year comes the onslaught of New Year's Resolutions. In past years I've written posts about resolutions for the whole family and about creating challenges for yourself instead of resolutions. This year, I'm going...
I am a minimalist at heart. I am not sentimental at all- I throw away birthday cards and old high school mementos with gusto. Clear, uncluttered space makes me happy. But I am not the only one who lives in...
I’ll never forget the first time I heard about the Whole 30. A friend of mine excitedly explained, “For thirty days I’m cutting out bread, rice, beans, dairy, sugar, alcohol...” As the list went on, my brain slowly shut...
It’s summertime mom and let's face the sun is hot with dangerous UV rays. With a blazing sun and harsh rays, we need to protect our kids’ skin with the best sunscreens on the market. Many sunscreens are not...
With the social distancing movement well underway, parents everywhere are having to keep their kids home from school. Everywhere I look, people are posting ways to work on academics with your kids from home. But no kid wants to...
One of my latest fixations has been my vintage copy of Betty Crocker’s Picture Cook Book, circa 1950. My love of it has absolutely nothing to do with cooking because I hate to cook.  It has everything to do...
Recently I shared a slice of what I thought was genius in my twin mommy facebook group.  It was a little life hack I conjured up during a temper tantrum.    I thought it was a brilliant way to...
Now that summer is here, some of us are finding ourselves with a little something others refer to as "free time". If you are anything like me, you are pretty unaccustomed to such a concept and may not know...
If cleanliness is next to godliness, then I am a sinner through and through. I’ve always been in awe of people like my college roommate who can't fall asleep if there are dishes in the sink or clothes on...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...