I sat in my doctor’s office staring at the test. Willing with eye daggers for two pink lines to appear. Praying silently that my doctor would say those two words I really wanted to hear, “It’s positive.” And when...
As the minivan bumper sticker touts - I used to be cool. Before children, I traveled the world, from studies abroad in Africa to cruises on the Baltic Sea. A 19-hour flight and 6-hour time difference impacted me about...
What is Baby-Led Weaning? Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is introducing finger-foods and hand-held foods to babies when they start solids instead of spoon-fed purees. Traditionally, American parents are taught to use pureed foods starting around 6 months. In BLW, parents...
So you're thinking your kid might have autism? Okay, mama. Deep breath. It can be overwhelming, I know. Seven years ago, I was right where you are now. At first, I thought it was an adjustment to his new baby sister. Then, I thought...
With a new school year underway, we all know how hectic life can quickly become. In addition to getting the kids to school on time and making sure homework is done, you've got your own work, shuttling the kids...
Between recipe planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping, the topic of food can be mind-boggling. Throw in dietary restrictions and food preferences, it’s enough to make you wonder what to put on the plate. So, when you finally figure...
Awesome orange, yahoo yellow, good day green, watch out white, and then there’s boo-hoo blue. Welcome to the behavior chart in my son’s kindergarten class. Some of us are all too familiar with charts indicating the type of day...
Ah, motherhood. It's such a beautiful thing. But let's be real...sometimes it can be stressful. There days where it seems like everything is under control and balanced, but some days where you feel burnt out. I've been there, and...
As I said in Summer Reading Programs for Kids, reading is one of my favorite things. And summer reading is definitely NOT just for kids! I love crafting my summer reading list every year, trying to find books that...
I know, it seems it is a lifetime and a half away...but we all know how this goes. One day it's Spring Break and the next the kids are OUT FOR SUMMER. Panic sets in about plans for camps...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...