I know it can be next to impossible to find time to do something relatively time-consuming, like baking cookies, this time of year, but cookies (and Christmas) are for baking!  Some of my fondest memories are of spending the...
As a dentist, I’ve gotten used to people not wanting to spend time with me. The prospect of someone rooting around in your mouth, using a drill, or administering a shot is unpleasant—and I understand why many feel anxious....
While the holidays are lots of fun, involve seeing family (perhaps tolerating family), and are always full of delicious goodies. There is one portion that is just a little too overdone at times...the gifts. Stuff. Things. Dust catchers. Closet...
You know those moments where you look at your child and your heart is so full of love, it feels like it may actually burst? I had one of those moments the other day. When I picked up my...
The struggle is real! I’m Jewish girl trying to raise 2 boys to love being Jewish while the excitement of Christmas engulfs them. Now, to be clear I LOVE Christmas and all the wonderful commercialized aspects that come with...
For those of you new to the Atlanta area, the AJC newspaper used to run a cool feature each week called the "5:30 Challenge." The gist of it was to create a meal with 5 ingredients or less and...
‘Tis the season. Holiday party invitations are starting to roll in and annual family photos are imminent. Meanwhile, you consider yourself lucky to have time to dab on a little lip gloss in the morning without a little one...
For 2 years, Kenny was the perfect big brother. He sat with his head cradled on T’s rocker as she slept. He watched her tirelessly as she crawled around the house and yard. Kenny never growled or barked or snarled when T poked his eyes or pulled his ears or tried to grab the little nub he had instead of a tail. He just licked her. He let her climb all over him, despite having spondylosis and arthritis. One of T’s first words was “dog” and her first real sentence was “Kenny eat snack”, followed by her feeding him a bag of fruit snacks. People were frequently amazed to see this 65 pound dog allowing a tutu-wearing toddler who could barely walk on her own to carry his leash and guide him.
  YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU BETTER NOT CRY, YOU BETTER NOT POUT, I'M TELLING YOU WHY... You, too, can enjoy the holidays!!! I know what you're thinking - "But I have the planning and the shopping and the wrapping and the juggling and the...
I have a small confession, my husband and I may or may not be Black Friday professionals. Every year we save up just for Black Friday. Are the sales really all that worth it? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing for...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...