Happy Holidays 2017 from our team to yours!  Each year when Georgia schools close for the long winter break we also take a content break and give our writing team time to focus on their families.  Please check back...
My son was barely 2 months old when I ordered a bigger diaper bag because mine couldn't hold all the baby mess. A simple trip to the grocery store meant I was overpacked, overloaded, and still sometimes underprepared. I...
When there are treats galore for Christmas and each one cuter than the next what is a Jewish girl to do?  Last year my kids wanted to bring a fun treat to the teenagers who help with their Sunday...
I am about to get real, like really real.  You know all those people who say, "If it ain't broke then don't fix it?"  Well, they are liars.  All of them. This post has taken me so long to write...
The routine may sound yawningly familiar: wake up, get kids ready for school, get kids in the car, drop them off at school, sit in traffic heading to the office, put in my 6-7 hours, try to beat rush...
My twins are two-and-a-half and have already taught me many great lessons. Before my beautiful twins came along, I had one child, and my perceptions of mothering were quite different back then compared to what they are today. So...
If you ask most parents they will tell you they want their children to grow up to be caring individuals who give back to others and their community. What you may not know is how early in life you...
Taking kids to Europe can seem daunting but if you pack the right things it will be one of the best family experiences you can find.  We’ve taken our kids to Europe more than once at various ages from...
In a recently conducted, extremely reliable, incredibly scientific poll done by--um--me on my social media, researchers (also me) have discovered what moms truly want for Christmas. The question posed to moms was simple: "If Santa could bring you anything, real...
I know it can be next to impossible to find time to do something relatively time-consuming, like baking cookies, this time of year, but cookies (and Christmas) are for baking!  Some of my fondest memories are of spending the...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...