
Even though I hail from a small town in South Georgia, I have always been a city girl at heart. Atlanta, specifically Gwinnett County, finally feels like my true home. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for thirteen years, and we have two kids in elementary school. I may be in my mid-thirties (yikes!), but I still feel around twenty-three in my mind (and probably always will). I love my job as a liability defense attorney, and my absolute favorite things in life are spending time with family and friends, live music, reading, writing, bourbon, and traveling. When our kids graduate high school, my husband and I plan to sell all of our worldly possessions and see how long we can live in Ireland before they kick us out!
Say Goodbye to Plastic (Or At Least Some of It!)

Say Goodbye to Plastic (Or At Least Some of It!)

This year our family decided to try to reduce our carbon footprint. What can I say? Leonardo DiCaprio and his documentary really got to me! Among things like going vegetarian and monitoring our household...
Pride Month: Free Mom Hugs

Pride Month: Free Mom Hugs

Even though I have a few years before the dreaded "birds and the bees" conversations with my kids, I do think about the future when they step over the line from childhood to adolescence....
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society

Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society

"Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society" is the theme of Law Day this year. Normally, this is not a topic you would think to find on a blog dedicated to motherhood, but what is...
Child Abuse Prevention Month: 5 Practical Tips

Child Abuse Prevention Month: 5 Practical Tips

Anytime I hear about instances of child abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, I feel sick, enraged, and helpless. It makes me want to wrap my kids up in bubbles or never let them...
Lenten Season with Our Kids

Lenten Season with Our Kids

The reverent phrase, “Remember that you are dust and to dust, you shall return,” never loses its power over me even after hearing it my entire life. When I kneel and ashes are marked...

Not into Football? Why You Should Still Watch the “Big Game!”

After decades of Sundays with football playing on my Dad’s television, the Falcons, of course, I still cannot get excited about a football game to save my life. For me, all the starting and...
Mom the Manager or the Rock Star?

Mom the Manager or the Rock Star?

While over-shopping at Target the other day, I ran across nail polish named Mom the Manager. I immediately thought of those mothers who manage the careers of their own rock star children. Mom the...

Patiently Raising Kind Children

Generally, even with my sarcastic and teasing nature, I consider myself a nice person. I tip my waiter generously, open doors for moms with strollers, and greet strangers I pass on the street. However,...

46th Annual Stone Mountain Highland Games: Take Your Family to Scotland for the Day

During the fall, my husband and I huddle under the covers to watch the Starz series Outlander while sipping a glass of whiskey. The kids are blissfully asleep, and we can enjoy an uninterrupted...

Would Your Child Follow a Stranger for Puppies?

The moment my first child began walking my greatest fear in life changed. Previously, it was the thought of being covered by hundreds of cockroaches with no escape in sight (which is still my...