A graduate of Colgate University and the University of South Carolina, Laura landed in Atlanta in 2014 after her husband Ryan retired from the military. Although she previously worked for several years in the hospitality/events industry, Laura became a stay-at-home-mom when her daughter Taylor was born in 2014, and then quickly welcomed two more daughters, Sloan in 2015 and Chandler in 2017. While most waking (and sleeping) moments are consumed by her daughters, in her free time Laura enjoys traveling, reading, true crime podcasts, and of course, a good nap.
The Magical Threshold
I almost hesitate to disclose what I'm about to share. Will I jinx myself? Will I regret putting this out into the universe? Will my sweet, precious, darling babies suddenly rip through their tender...
On Withstanding Pain
Recently, I listened to a new (to me) podcast called "How To! With Charles Duhigg." The host of the podcast, Pulitzer price winning journalist Charles Duhigg, spends each episode interviewing a guest to find...
A Love Letter to my Oldest Daughter, on the Cusp of Kindergarten
My sweet little darling,
Soon you start kindergarten. To say I am in utter disbelief would be an understatement.
Your Daddy and I were recently reminiscing about how fast (and slow) the last 5.5 years have...
When Pregnancy and Newborn F.O.M.O. Hit Close to Home
My husband and I are most certainly done having babies. We were blessed with three beautiful and healthy daughters in a span of 36 months. While my pregnancies were not exactly a breeze, my...
A World of Fun in Your Own Backyard!
My kids, ages 5, 3 and 2, absolutely love summer. They love the days where the sun is hot and popsicles are aplenty. They enjoy lazy mornings eating waffles on the screened porch, while...
My Secret to Daily Self-Care – and It’s Free!
Prior to living in the Atlanta area, my husband and I were residents of San Antonio, Texas. Through some friends, we became acquainted with a nutritionist based out of Austin named Carly Pollack. Every...
My Struggle with Emetophobia
I have a vivid memory of when my struggle with an extreme fear of vomiting began. It was October of 2014. My husband and I were about to leave our first baby (8 months...
Preschool Birthday Parties – Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
If you are the parent of a toddler or preschool-aged child, you know the weekend birthday party routine by now.
You get the invitation, completely forget to RSVP, devote your Saturday (or Sunday) afternoon to...
We Survived Another Year of Family Portraits!
So much of my life as a mom involves sweating. I might be lugging bags full of my kids' stuff, wrestling a wild screaming toddler, or just living in Hotlanta - but chances are...
Planning a Holiday Road Trip? Check out These Podcasts!
Holiday travel is exhausting and overwhelming and stressful. The traffic is usually horrible. The weather can be a nightmare. Throw kids in the mix, and the experience can be downright dreadful.
Do you have a...