
Originally from Dauphin Island, AL, I am a stay-at-home mom who likes to do anything other than just stay at home. My husband and I have lived in 5 states together and are in the Atlanta area now for the second time. I have a Master’s degree from GSU in Multiple and Severe Disabilities and was a special education teacher for 8 years before deciding to work with adults with autism and then becoming a SAHM. I now work as a preschool teacher and fitness instructor. I enjoy spending time with my daughter at parks, libraries, and anywhere else that we can explore our world.
Cooking with Young Kids

Cooking with Young Kids

I decided to ask my 4 year old what I should write about for this month's blog post. Her response was, "You should write about foods that I like, but not foods that I...

Teaching Kids About Juneteenth

***Update: On Thursday, June 17, 2021, President Biden signed legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, enshrining June 19 as the national day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.*** Sometimes referred...
June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day

June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day

The month of June is Adopt A Cat month, and June 4th specifically is celebrated as National Hug Your Cat day.  Personally, I've always been more of a dog person. But for my daughter's 4th...
Sidewalk Chalk-- the surprising addition to what we consider "essential"

Sidewalk Chalk– the surprising addition to what we consider “essential”

Two months ago, normal life ceased to exist. We all quickly became acclimated to new phrases like "social distancing" and "essential workers". I pray for the people who didn't already have enough toilet paper...
Working Out When You Can't Go Out

Working Out When You Can’t Go Out

Whether you are an avid gym-goer, new to exercise, or simply thinking about starting to move more, recent days have changed the way people everywhere workout. There are simple things anyone can do to...
When will I feel like an adult?

When will I feel like an adult?

By the time this post is published, I will have legally been an adult for half of my life. I have a four-year-old, a Master's degree, a car that is paid off, and a...
Getting Creative When You're Stuck in the House

Getting Creative When You’re Stuck in the House

With the social distancing movement well underway, parents everywhere are having to keep their kids home from school. Everywhere I look, people are posting ways to work on academics with your kids from home....
The Only Oscar that Matters in Our House is a Grouch

The Only Oscar that Matters in Our House is a Grouch

The 92nd Academy Awards (lovingly known to most people as the Oscars) will be held February 9. While I'm sure several of you out there are planning on watching, or even attending amazing viewing...
Evaluating Two Years of Resolutions, and Creating New Personal Challenges

Evaluating Two Years of Resolutions, and Creating New Personal Challenges

Two years ago I wrote a post about New Year's Resolutions I wanted to make for the whole family. This year, I want to look back over the last 2 years and evaluate how...
Teaching My Child to be Kind in a World that Isn't Always

Teaching My Child to be Kind in a World that Isn’t Always

World Kindness Day is November 13. It saddens me to think this is even a necessary thing. Shouldn't we all just do our best to be kind to others as much as possible? In...