
Candace Cottet

Candace Cottet
Candace Cottet juggles a baby, toddler, a fashion PR job and a motherhood/home DIY blog.
Regions Bank: New Marietta Location Worth the Visit

Regions Bank: New Marietta Location Worth the Visit

There are groceries, and laundry, and holiday parties… it’s the busiest time of the year next to May (Mom’s know). And in that, important to-do’s can slip through the cracks; especially when you know...
I Quit Nursing

I Quit Nursing

I quit nursing. I didn’t have a low supply. I didn’t have an infection. I wasn’t on medication. Or even going out of town. One day, while my 7.5-month-old was using me nonstop as...
My Love Language Changed When I Had Kids: 7 Things My Husband Does to Make My Life Easier

My Love Language Changed When I Had Kids: 7 Things My Husband Does to...

In the last 5 years, my husband and I have gotten married, made two international moves, had a miscarriage, bought our first home, and had 2 healthy wonderful daughters. And let me be the...