Reasons to Get Your Child Vaccinated: From an Immunization Nurse


With the new school year in full swing, you’re probably already busy with after school activities and sports programs but I just wanted to remind you that it’s not too late to add getting your child immunized to your checklist (since flu season will be here before you know it). As an immunization nurse working in a school setting, I’ve seen firsthand the confusion and chaos that takes place when a disease outbreak happens. I understand there may be some fears or concerns about the safety or necessity of the vaccine but here are just a few reasons to get your child vaccinated.

1. Vaccines are Safe

Chances are you’ve heard stories about vaccines causing injury or serious health conditions. What you may not realize is vaccines are held to a higher standard of safety than any other medical intervention, yes even higher than the medicine your doctor prescribes for your child. Vaccines undergo rigorous testing and evaluation before they are ever put on the market. In fact, the Federal Drug Administration- the government agency charged with safeguarding our food and medicine inspects the places where vaccines are made on a regular basis giving vaccines that extra layer of protection and safety.  

Watching your child get a shot is never easy and you may have concerns about vaccine side effects. Truthfully, most kids can safely receive vaccines but there is a small group who may not be able to receive them like:

  • Children with a weaker immune system because of illness or medical treatments, or
  • Children with allergies to certain vaccine ingredients

Oftentimes kids who get shots only experience mild discomfort or tenderness at the injection sites. It’s actually rare for vaccine side effects to be serious but if you are at all concerned, speak to your healthcare provider. We are here to help.

2. Vaccines Reduce the Spread of Diseases

Vaccines help keep children healthy. There are 18 different childhood vaccines available to stop the spread of disease while saving millions of lives. Outbreaks could happen putting those who cannot get the vaccines like small babies and people with a weaker immune system at risk for sickness or death. 

Even though some diseases like polio are not present in the United States, foreign visitors could bring these viruses into the country. Without the protection of vaccines, your child could easily be put at risk.

3. Vaccines Save You Time and Money

It’s a little-known secret but immunizing your child can save you money. Routine childhood vaccines have been shown to save $13.5 billion in direct medical cost and $68.8 billion in total societal costs! A healthier child means fewer doctor’s visits, hospitalizations, insurance co-pays, and missed days from work so your little scholar can spend more time acing school assignments and you can spend less time nursing your loved one back to health.

I encourage you to speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.