How to Start & Keep a Gratitude Journal

Now that we are into November, it is a time for cooler weather (in most places), fall clothing, and hearty meals. One of the heartiest meals will happen on Thanksgiving Day.
When I think of Thanksgiving, I tend to think of a big family dinner with second helpings and a nap (wishful thinking). In addition to praying over the food, we usually go around the table to say what we are thankful for.
Being thankful doesn’t only belong on Thanksgiving. In fact, feeling thankful, or expressing gratitude, should be a part of a daily routine. One way to start a daily gratitude routine is to keep a gratitude journal. 
Now I know adding one more thing to your daily routine may sound like a lot. But there are benefits to keeping a gratitude journal. These benefits include:
  • Lower stress levels
  • Focused time and energy
  • A greater sense of calm
Still interested? Good! Let’s get started with these three steps.

Step 1 – Find a Journal

There are various options to suit your needs. Do you like lined or unlined pages? Do you like a physical journal or a digital option? Do you want to include your daily gratitude practice with a daily planner? Once you determine your specific needs, select the best journal for you.

Step 2 – Set a Specified Time to Write or Type

Being a mom sometimes feels like there is a perpetual list of things to do. However, keep those benefits in mind. Keeping a gratitude journal benefits you, so this is not a chore! Do you set aside a few minutes each day to pray, meditate, or even drink a cup of coffee? Dedicate a few extra minutes to your usual routine to jot down what you are grateful for. Having trouble doing this daily? Try every other day or weekly and work towards a daily routine. The key is to be consistent!

Step 3 – Start With Some Prompts

Ok, so you have your journal and a set time to write. Now what? Well, get to writing, lady! LOL! But, you say you have writer’s block. I understand. Fortunately, I have some prompts for you. Check these out:
  • Write about something you have now that you didn’t have a year ago
  • Write about how you’re grateful for your kids
  • Write about the last time you ate your favorite food
  • Write about your latest accomplishment 
  • Write about your spouse or significant other
Hopefully, you have enough to get started. If not, encourage some girlfriends or family members to start the journey with you. There is strength in numbers! Comment below with any additional tips or prompts that helped you. 
Stay grateful!