Five Self-Care Habits for Busy Moms

Self-care is everyone’s favorite buzz word right now, especially with New Year’s resolutions flying around. When I think of self-care, I think about taking a hot bath with a glass of wine and no children in sight. I also think about how unrealistic such a scenario is and how I can never actually do any of that, so I continue being stressed out, overworked, and thinking about myself last. That is until I started rethinking what self-care is and how I could fit it into my life. So here are my five self-care habits for busy moms.

1.   Get Creative

Whatever creative means to you, add some into your life. Adult coloring book? The knitting project that’s been collecting dust for 10 years? That sugar scrub recipe that came with your essential oils? Spend a few minutes a week doing something that’s just straight creative. Personally? I love being a letter writer for The Letter Project, a non-profit dedicated to writing letters to girls around the world who are in need of extra love and support. Being able to pull words of encouragement out of my head onto a sheet of paper and even add some doodles really fills that need for me. It’s a huge part of my self-care routine that also allows me to give back.

2.  Be Mindless

My son has been enjoying puzzles lately and our playroom is filled with half-finished puzzles on almost every surface. I found myself unintentionally sitting down and working on the puzzles after I put the kids to bed. Now, I’ve picked up some of my own and do this regularly. There’s something about a singular focus that calms your mind and helps you relax.

3.   Get Moving

This one you hear all the time, but I promise it’s worth it. I use an app on my phone called Aaptiv. It has personal trainers who guide you through specific workouts, complete with music. There is everything from indoor spin classes, to outdoor running, even stretching and meditation. When I find it’s been too long since I’ve gone to the gym (ahem, like every week), I put on a quick stretch class to get my blood moving and remind myself how important it is to take care of our bodies even just a little bit.

4.   Let Some Balls Bounce

This article by my fellow Atlanta Area Mom’s Blogger Hayley is one that really stuck with me. I remember reading it and nodding my head with every word. Take five minutes and read this one. I promise it won’t disappoint. 

5.  Be a Kid Again

When you take your kids to the park, jump on in! I don’t know when we all decided our role in playing with our kids was to watch from the sideline. I promise, going down the slide at 35 is a much different experience than when you were 5, and if it gets you and your kiddos to giggle, you’re doing more for yourself than you think. Mental clarity comes from physical activity, connection, and laughter. Find ways to not be a mom for a minute, and be a kid.

How do you incorporate self-care into your busy life?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!


  1. I found myself painting with my 4 year old son the other day at the kitchen table while Alexa played classical focus music. It was quite relaxing for both of us.

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