In a year full of plot twists and surprises none of us could have ever predicted, there are certainly plenty of things we can complain about. However, as I look back on this (crazy, insanely long) year, I realize exactly how much I have to be thankful for.
January: my dad was in a freak accident that resulted in him almost losing an arm. I am SO thankful for everyone involved in my dad’s medical care. Because of them, my dad did not lose his arm and has almost regained full use of his arm and all his fingers.
March: due to Covid, schools, gyms, playgrounds, and extracurriculars shut down. Yes, having to explain to my 4-year-old why we suddenly had to stay home and couldn’t play with her friends was hard. Yes, we had to make some EXTREME changes to our day-to-day routines. But yes, we survived it. And during this, I realized how many things in my home there are to be thankful for. I’m thankful my daughter is so easy-going, for her, making FaceTime and Zoom calls was exciting. She easily adjusted to doing homework (created for her by yours truly), and her creativity has truly blossomed! I’m thankful my husband has a job that allows him to fully work from home. I’m thankful for my gym friends who decided to join me virtually for fitness classes every week, providing the motivation and morale boost needed to keep moving while unable to go to the gym.
And if I’m being totally honest, I’m thankful liquor stores were deemed to be essential businesses.
May: my grandmother’s husband lost a year-long battle with cancer. But I am thankful for my grandmother’s church and neighborhood-all the people who provided the support I couldn’t from 2 states away during this hard time. And I’m thankful my grandmother is still healthy and keeping herself active.
June: my sister was in an accident that broke several teeth and her jaw on both sides. I’m thankful for Amazon prime 2-day delivery, which allowed me to send her a plethora of protein shakes, Disney bandages, and various goodies since I couldn’t be there to provide emotional support in person.
July: I had to have a suspicious mole removed from my ear. I’m thankful that we noticed the spot when we did and were able to get to a medical professional early.
August: We made the tough decision to cancel our annual family beach trip, but I’m SO thankful my daughter’s preschool was able to open. Additionally, they hired me to work there. The precautions they have put into place have seemed to keep everyone in the school safe and healthy. I’ll never be able to fully express how grateful I am to my daughter’s teachers, for loving and teaching her every day, and to my co-workers, who have made me feel like a part of their family so easily.
October: we may not have had traditional Trick-or-Treating, but our modified Halloween may be my new favorite thing, and I kind of hope it becomes a new tradition. We had a family from our “trust pod” come over. The kids did a Halloween egg hunt and once it was dark enough we set up a projector in the driveway and watched a family Halloween movie.
I’m not sure what to think the rest of the year will bring. Doubtless, there will be more stressful surprises. But I’d like to think I can continue to find the things I’m thankful for among those surprises, and continue to try to provide a positive outlook for my daughter.
What are you thankful for this year?