“Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Dark Of Night Shall Stay These Couriers From The Swift Completion Of Their Appointed Rounds.”
This is the postal carrier’s oath, and after this year, I feel it’s safe to say we could also add “nor pandemic” to the words. Throughout the craziness of the last year, our postal service workers have tirelessly continued to deliver our letters, postcards, packages, and the gifts we’ve had to send our loved ones in lieu of seeing them in person. This year, make sure you show your mailperson how much you appreciate the work he or she does.
Not sure how to thank your letter carrier? Here are a few ideas:
- Decorate your mailbox, being sure to leave the numbers exposed.
- Leave water, a sports drink, or snacks in the mailbox for your mailman. Anything to provide a little nourishment along the route is sure to be appreciated.
- Have your kids make a Thank You card. Teach them about leaving the flag up on the mailbox so the letter carrier knows there is something in it for them to take.
- Mail carriers are not permitted to receive cash gifts, but they can accept gift cards up to $20. Let your kids pick a location they think your postal worker would enjoy and discuss their reasoning.
- When you see the mail jeep coming, go to the mailbox and wait to tell your mailman “Thank You” in person.
While you are discussing how to thank your letter carrier, here are some fun facts about the United States Postal Service to share with your kids:
- There is a tribe in Arizona that receives its mail via letter carriers on mules.
- In addition to jeeps and horseback, some mail is delivered by postal boats. This includes a riverfront neighborhood in Alabama.
- Post Office mailboxes were not always blue. This color became standard in 1971.
- The shortest mail route is only 2.3 miles long. The longest mail route is over 190 miles long!
- Walt Disney was a mail carrier when he was 16.
How will you thank your mailman this year?