As of February 1st, my house will be properly decked out with a pink tablecloth, countless heart-shaped window clings, and the finest Valentine’s Day-themed napkins the dollar store can offer. Clearly, I’m more into celebrating than decorating. Even before I became Mom (and perhaps because of my own mom), I’ve always enjoyed Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to show a little extra love for the people in my life.
And now my own two kiddos have picked up on my heart-shaped enthusiasm. Here are a few ideas if you’re looking to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your kids.
Tell your kids they’re special. This is my favorite February tradition, and this is the first year that my youngest (almost three) will be able to appreciate it! From the beginning of the month through Valentine’s Day, after your kids are in bed, add a post-it note (or a heart-shaped cutout if you’re an overachiever) to their door with one of the many reasons you love them.
As a parent, it’s a great opportunity to take time to reflect on the great aspects of your kiddos, and for the kids, it’s a confidence booster and a reminder of just how special they are.
Plan “dates” with your kids. For my preschoolers, we’ve established a traditional Valentine’s Day Donut Date with Mom (that’s me!). We go to our local donut shop, order heart-shaped donuts, and sit together with frosting all over their faces (at what age do they get good at using a napkin?). They get so excited you’d swear it’s the only time of year we get donuts (it’s not… nor will I confess to how frequently we hit the Dunkin’ drive-thru).
Our awesome Atlanta Mom co-owner, Jessica, has a slight twist on this with her elementary school-aged kids: “My husband and I are planning ‘dates’ with our kids. My son and I will have a proper date night, and my daughter and husband will have theirs, as well. The kids are so excited, and they are each going to plan it.”
Make some old-fashioned valentines. Every year since my husband and I started dating, I’ve cut out red and white construction paper to make an incredibly cheesy heart-shaped valentine. And now my kiddos are getting in on the crafting. I’ll cut out hearts of all shapes and sizes, set out the glue sticks and markers, and see what they come up with. I love getting to see who they think about and want to make a valentine for.
What’s your favorite way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?