A Letter from Above, For You on Mother’s Day

A message from mom

Mother’s Day – a day that’s filled with love and adoration for being fortunate to be the mom of two wonderful kids. But the past two years, I have also found it bittersweet to celebrate without my own mom. If you have lost your mother like me, perhaps you feel the same way.

On holidays, birthdays and special occasions, there are moments of pause where I wish she was there laughing, playing, cooking, and watching the madness of family ensue. But Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is different. Some say it’s a made-up Hallmark holiday, and maybe that’s true. But on this day, I am reminded of the special bond between mom and daughter, and my heart misses her that much more.

One of the last times I sat with my mom, I remember her eyes looked different like they knew something I didn’t; her eyes spoke volumes and if she had said nothing at all, it was a moment in time that would forever be captured in my memory. She looked at me in a way I’m not sure she had before, and said, “you are a good mom.” Though simple, it was poignant and deep. When I miss her, I remember it. When I think of all the things I wish I could do better as a mom, I remember it. When I rejoice in happy moments, I remember it.

So, for Mother’s Day, here’s a gift for all you moms out there without your mom. A Letter From Above, For You on Mother’s Day. Because if our moms were here, I bet they would say a little something like this:

Dear Daughter,

It’s lovely up here. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and love is all around. My dear, I know you find sadness on a day that should be filled with joy because you miss me. But don’t. I have been watching you, my grand-babies and your family, and I am happy.

I know there are times when your heart aches, but I want you to remember:

  • When you think no one is looking, I see all the extra things you do to care for your family and friends.
  • When you feel overwhelmed with schedules, finances, tantrums, and daily stresses, and all you want more than anything in the world is to talk to me, I am listening.
  • When you wonder if you are making the right choices as a parent and wish you had someone to guide you, trust that I know you are.
  • When your heart jumps for joy when your son does something new for the first time, mine still jumps too.
  • When you wonder what life would be like if I were still here, I am here. I am a part of you, your daughter and son. Your laugh, his smile, her humor.

I am so proud of you, daughter. Of the woman, wife, and mother you have become. One of the greatest gifts in life was you, and now you are experiencing that same gift with your own children. On this day – Mother’s Day – and every day, when you miss me, close your eyes and smile. Enjoy the good times, the sunshine, and birds with me. You are a good mom, I love you, and I will always be with you in your heart.

All my love, Mom

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Alicia Burroughs
I'm a full-time wife, full-time marketer, and full-time mama of two beautiful kids (7 & 3), Oh, an added bonus, a full-time mama to my third child, Louie our family Malti-poo. I spend most of my days working and caring for my family in the lovely Avondale Estates. But, in between, you will find me painting, writing or Cross-fitting to fulfill my heart and soul; or exploring Atlanta's unique communities indulging in music/concerts & awesome food. Cheers to family, good friends & new experiences. You can also find me at https://www.facebook.com/alicialaurenart and Instagram @alicialaurenart.