5 Ways to Use Daily Affirmations for Kids

5 Ways to Use Daily Affirmations with Kids

It’s the start of a new school year and it’s a bit different this year for us. We recently moved to Georgia, and the kids are starting new schools in a new state. It is my youngest daughter’s first time going to full-time PreK and she is having a difficult time adjusting.

I remember one of our last walks in our old neighborhood before we moved. She was tired and complaining that her legs were hurting from all of the walking but we were so close to being home. Any time adversity shows up, I always think of a quote that I saw a few years back on a t-shirt, “empowered women, empower women.”

As a mom of two daughters, that phrase motivates and reminds me that as their mom, I want to show them to push through the hard stuff, be strong, and never give up. So I started trotting alongside her telling her, “you can do this, we are almost home”, “push through the pain”, “you can make it”, and “almost there” as if I was her coach and she was in a game.

The next thing I know, my little 4-year-old was running home the rest of the way chanting to herself, “I can do this,” “push through it” etc. and she made it home. I was so proud of her and I couldn’t believe my chanting worked!

As the meltdowns are still continuing and as we transition into this new stage of school and a new state, I continue to validate her feelings and pep her up to help her feel more confident and hope that it will soon start to manifest.

Here are 5 different ways you can use daily affirmations to help assist with emotions and self-esteem.

5 Ways to Use Daily Affirmations with Kids

  1. YOU!- Of course first and foremost you as the parent can help just by speaking positively and using encouraging words to help them feel more confident. Already confident? There’s nothing wrong with giving them more reassurance and gassing them up to make them feel more energized.
  2. Affirmation Coloring Pages or Books- Every child responds differently, so another angle that might help is the use of books and/or coloring. You can type in Google ‘free affirmation coloring pages” and you will have access to hundreds of different coloring pages or you can look into books that focus on positive affirmations for kids.
  3. Quotes On the Mirror- I have been seeing this a lot lately and love the idea because we are all always looking in the mirror first thing in the morning. So why not take inspirational quote vinyl decals and put one on your mirror to help start the day on a positive note? You can also do this with post-it notes.
  1. Listen to Empowering Songs- Nothing speaks to your heart as music does. Find a good positive song and sing your heart out! Right now, I have been playing the song “Roar” by Katy Perry to help my preschooler and she loves watching the music video.
  2. Notes in Lunchbox- For older kids who can read, little notes in their lunchboxes or hidden somewhere in their backpacks can be that extra validation they need to help get them through the day.

Do daily affirmations work for kids? Do children need daily affirmations? According to Parents.com along with many other related articles, repetition can encourage your brain to take them as facts and are especially important to children because it can enhance their ability to cope. For more positive affirmation examples, you can find some here.

What are some of your favorite ways you practice daily affirmations with your kids?



Ways to use Daily Affirmations with Kids