Those first early rumblings that school might close ... the canceling of extra-curriculars...the rescheduling of prom...   Every new announcement added a bit more panic into my already anxious heart. How would we pull this off? How would our kids now...
"Tis the holiday season!  I love this time of year, even though my kids are basically grown.  At ages 18 and 16, the jig is up, the word is out, and the element of surprise is no longer a...
It’s obvious you are a mom, right!?  I mean, hello! My kids have yelled “mom!” like 10 times in the time it took to type this sentence.  However, if your child(ren) is involved in a sports program, then it...
"MOOOOM...Geez, that's NOT how it's done!" This phrase runs on repeat at my house, and in many cases, it is in response to my complete lack of understanding of the rules to modern teen dating.   "In my day...we passed notes...
I have a 4th grade daughter named Vivian.  She is almost ten years old and I see that she’s quickly transitioning from a kid to a pre-teen.  Transitioning from “mom, I need your help” to “mom, do you even...
My family has a lot to be thankful for. We've never gone hungry, we have warm clothes, all the necessities, and (if I'm being totally honest) excess. We don't NEED all the toys and books and gadgets we have....
The other day in one of my online mom groups, there was a thread talking about kids going off to college. The conversation naturally turned to empty nest syndrome. Are you familiar with this? It's not a clinical diagnosis,...
Well, we are at the halfway point of the long goodbye. She finished her last first semester of high school. College applications have been sent, senior photos have been taken, spring break plans are being made, and the graduation...
Whenever my son is home on a college break, we like to set aside a day to find new hidden gems or old favorites around town. On the flip side, my husband and daughter, who is in law school,...
Now that I'm a parent, it feels like I am constantly receiving advice, and constantly seeking it out. Occasionally, I'm asked to give it. I've discovered that nothing--NOTHING--teaches you how to filter advice like parenthood. The other day, a friend...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...