It was 26th President Theodore Roosevelt who said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." I think most of us know the truth of Roosevelt’s statement. We know that looking around at what others have and weighing it in a...
Since moving to the Atlanta area, I’ve been excited to explore with my toddler. But, before we set out to capture the culinary Atlanta, I thought we would venture a  little closer to our home in Henry County. Whether you are...
Taking your children to have pictures made with Santa has been an annual Holiday tradition in most families for many years and, Atlanta has no shortage of places to go see the bearded man in the red suit. Whether you...
When I was pregnant with my first baby, everyone talked about labor and delivery.  It was all warnings and just-you-waits and will-you-get-an-epidural and contractions and this-is-how-you-push.  No one...and I mean no one prepared me for what happens after the...
A great activity for mom (or dad!) to bond with your sweet, precious, willful, opinionated toddler. Based on a real afternoon with my almost-2-year-old son. Warning: your mileage may vary.  Feed your toddler a nice afternoon snack.  Decide you want your...
It took me a long time to understand the power that women have when we are together. It saddens me to say that when I was younger, it was usually girls who were the bullies and impacted how I...
Saturday afternoon started out like any other day except my middle child was visiting with his grandparents. Imagine my surprise when my step-mom called and asked if they could get the baby too. I shouldn't have been nearly as...
  {Disclosure :: Atlanta Area Moms Blog is partnering with Stevi B's Pizza Buffet for this sponsored post. That said, we are dedicated to bringing you brands we love and the thoughts and opinions are my own.}   Let me be upfront with you....
I love Thanksgiving. A holiday that revolves around food is pretty much right up my alley. I also love that it’s a celebration that doesn’t have anything to do with getting stuff! Add in the fact that it’s the...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Halloween! Ghouls & goblins have come a-haunting and the crunch of recently fallen leaves marks your every step. Pathways glow from the flicker of twinkling jack-o-lanterns. Best of all, those growls, screeches...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...