I was browsing around some of the other City Blogs when I stumbled across a post about thank you notes. The writer was describing her horrifying discovery of finding the notes she had written when her twins were born...
Even though the advent calendar and nativity scene have been put away, my son is still singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." I smile and think two things: Will he still be singing this in July? And, how...
Did you know getting your flu shot can potentially save lives? Immunologists refer to a term called “herd immunity” or “community immunity.” Meaning if a majority of the population is vaccinated against a specific illness, like the flu, it can reduce...
Ok, it is rapidly approaching, like it or not. After the calendar rolls over, it rears its head. Tax season. Gah. The dreaded Saturday(s) of sorting, searching, sifting, and stapling. If you are lucky, your tax prep god or...
Having children can also mean having a lot more stuff!  When you bring your first baby home, you have way more GIANT baby things than you could ever use or need for your teeny-tiny, baby. Figuring out how to use all...
It seems that I have been living in the world of “NEXT.” Next week, next month, next year. I have always been organized, a planner. While these can be positive attributes, they can also hold you back from living...
Hello, 2017! Bring on the new year’s resolutions of getting fit and eating healthy. I won't be one those people joining a gym and changing what they eat. I'm pretty darn healthy already, but I'm still making a new...
Confession: When the doorbell rings unexpectedly, I go into ninja mode. I freeze. I tiptoe. A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead. Like Pavlov's pups, the ringing of the bell results in an automatic response from my kids--absolute...
At our house, we are all about simple. I love meaningful traditions, but a scrap-booker or family photo shoot gal I am not. The last time we had family pictures taken with something other than an iPhone, my now-kindergartener...
We bought Paw Patrol shoes and it was a big deal. Every mom on Instagram knows that your baby only wears moccasins from the time they come out of the womb until forever, duh! Millennial moms like myself have fallen...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...